NarxCare Overview

System Overview

NarxCare is a software platform that helps providers make better-informed decisions when it comes to identifying, preventing, and managing substance use disorders.

System Overview

NarxCare uses PMP data as its core resource.

When available, data such as a reported history of overdose, certain medical diagnoses, and other information can be used as a supplement.

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

The header of the report contains patient identification and selectable menu items.

The top bar contains menu items or tutorials

NARX REPORT is the default presentation.

RESOURCES takes you to a page with MAT and CDC resources that can be used for patient care.

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

For integrated users, a toolbar with tutorials is available with explanations of NarxCare and associated scores

For portal users, a menu item of additional PDMP functionality is available.

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

Narx Scores, an Overdose Risk Score, and Red Flag indicators are all presented below the header.

A brief explanation of each score and indicator is available at any of the “explain” links. CLINICAL GUIDANCE and suggestions are also included with the explanation.

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

Graphs are provided to reveal important details of prescription use.

Providers are listed on the left, and color-coded prescriptions are graphed in reverse time order.

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

The Rx Graph is interactive.

You can click on a prescription or drag over a several of them to see additional detail.

Application Overview

The NarxCare provider application is divided into 4 regions.

  1. Header
  2. Scores and Indicators
  3. Graphs
  4. Full Prescription Detail

The bottom of the report contains additional detail for each prescription dispensed to the patient.

Elements include fill date, name of drug, refill, and payment type for each prescription.

Provider and pharmacy identities are also listed.

Application Overview

MAT and CDC Resources are accessible from the header by clicking on the Resources tab.

Application Overview

MAT and CDC Resources are accessible from the header.

SAMHSA supported Buprenorphine Treatment Locator is available.

The patient’s zip code is pre-populated but can be edited if needed.

Selecting submit will generate a document listing the 30 providers found that are closest to the patient

Application Overview

MAT and CDC Resources are accessible from the header.

Printable CDC pamphlets are also available.


This tutorial and others are available in the toolbar at the top of the application.

This is also the location for new tutorials or information when the system is upgraded with new functionality.